Saturday, 30 July 2011

The Tin Man - Piloteer Geoff Treseder

Ever wondered where the Pilot's bee was from. Well, it is dug out of the earth of Cornwall and hand-made by Piloteer Geoff Treseder. Here is Geoff at his womb of tin bees workshop.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Piloteer Mike turns to video collage!

Piloteer Mike Hughes has made his own video collage of the Pilot's installation at Horsforth Modern Art. Nice one Mike!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Pilot says, "Plant for Bees"

Can't seem to make this a hyperlink at the moment but...

There is a really useful download offered here called


for everyone who wants to make their garden friendly to bees.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

An Evening with The Pilot

This Episode is made as a part of an Installation at HoMA (Horsforth Modern Art, Leeds) during the John Hyatt exhibition, 'There is Only the Now' and forms part of a special evening at 7.00 p.m. on 16 July 2011, 'John Hyatt: The Artist and his Alter Egos'. All welcome. Meet other persona too: Sir Stuart Farquar; Doria Hemming; Gerry Windrim! All welcome.

Evening includes a viewing of Art Wars: Division and Design, last shown as the featured painting of The British Art Show, 1985.

Pilot's drawing machine (seen in video) is by Jack Tait. My thanks to Jack.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

New Video from the Navigator

The Pilot of Bee Patrol is Missing!! The navigator is questioned. New video contribution starring Piloteer Alex Smyth-Osbourne, self-styled Navigator of Bee Patrol. See it now - only available from this blog: