Here is a rejected movie, 'To bee or not to Be', that was to be Episode 2 of The Pilot of Bee Patrol. I made the decision that the Pilot movies would not be led by my music. At the same moment, I created the Hyattmovies channel on Youtube to keep my movie movies seperate from my music video movies. This was the moment when I made the decision to really try and do something new with the Pilot: to try and make something special. Before this, I had made the one little movie which only became Episode 1 once I had made Episode 2. It had been a Pilot itself. Now it was the first Episode! Now I was committing to a series and had to remake the past and imagine and dream futures in the Now. However, there is nothing wrong with this rejected episode - it is just another possible journey that the Pilot didn't take. It is appropriate that this rarity, left behind on the floor of the Transporter, should be shown here on the Flight Log for the Piloteers, Beesearchers, and Crew. Enjoy!
Nice one, Pilot.
ReplyDeletePleased to see you don't let any old trip the satanav chucks out throw you off track.
Hell, no!